Mercer County Probation Violation Lawyer

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Mercer County Probation Violation Lawyer

When someone is convicted of a crime, at times, they are allowed to go on probation in lieu of jail, however, if you are accused of violating the terms of your probation, you need a Mercer County probation violation lawyer who can fight for your right to stay free. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today to learn more about the consequences of a probation violation in NJ and how our firm can work to preserve your freedom.

Mercer County Probation Violation Lawyer

Are you being charged with violating probation? Attorney Douglas Herring can help. Douglas has over 15 years of criminal case experience. He started out as a state prosecutor, and now he defends citizens’ rights. Violating your probation can mean jail time. You don’t want to lose your freedom. Speak with a competent Mercer County criminal defense lawyer today.

Probation Violation Trial

If you get accused of violating probation, you will have to go to trial. You want an experienced criminal attorney on your side. You don’t want to stand in front of the judge alone. Probation trials are different than criminal trials. They present some extra challenges.

There are two parts to a probation violation trial. The first is determining guilt. You can plead guilty or innocent. You want an experienced attorney to prove your case.

In probation trials, you do not have to prove guilt “beyond a reasonable doubt”. You just have to prove a “ponderous of evidence”. It’s a lot smaller of a burden. You need an attorney who has experience in probation violation proceedings. Douglas has successfully helped others in your situation.

The second trial is sentencing. This occurs if you pled guilty or were convicted. The judge will decide your new sentence. He may be the same judge you faced for the original crime. You also may stand in front of a new judge. If you are found guilty of violating probation, a skilled attorney can still keep you out of jail.

Probation Violation Appeals

If you don’t like the trial’s outcome, you can appeal. This means you challenge the decision in a higher court. Were you already sentenced? Do you disagree with the outcome? Experienced Mercer County probation violation lawyer Douglas Herring can help you fight sentencing.

Contact Us Today!

Attorney Douglas Herring offers free consultations. If you are accused of a probation violation, contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today. You don’t want to go to jail. Let Douglas use his experience to help you.

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