Mercer County Ecstacy Defense Lawyer

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Ecstasy is a party drug, frequently found on college campuses, in clubs, and more. That said, it is far from harmless, and it is also illegal to possess or sell, and if you are currently facing ecstasy-related charges, you need an experienced Mercer County ecstasy defense lawyer on your side. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today.

Why Should I Hire a Mercer County Ecstasy Defense Lawyer?

Douglas Herring is familiar with every detail of the Princeton police force and the Princeton drug trade. Douglas Herring spent a chunk of his career as a Deputy District Attorney for Los Angeles County. He also was part of the prestigious Hardcore Gang Homicide Division, working the violent gang crime beat in Compton, California.

Quite a change of scenery from Princeton, New Jersey, but the courtrooms were strikingly similar. Both places were filled with people who just made a stupid mistake and needed someone to help them through the criminal justice system. You can depend on our compassionate and aggressive Mercer County criminal defense lawyer to fight for you, every step of the way.

Consequences of an Ecstasy Possession With Intent to Distribute Charges in NJ

The consequences you may face for the possession of ecstasy in New Jersey depend on the amount of the drug you are allegedly caught with. The penalties for ecstasy possession with intent to distribute charges in NJ are as follows:

  • Less than one half-ounce: Third-degree felony, which may entail up to 5 years of incarceration.
  • Between one half-ounce and five ounces: A second-degree felony, which can warrant anywhere between 5-10 years of incarceration.
  • More than five ounces: A first-degree felony that may entail any

How Can a Drug Offense Affect a College Student?

If you are a Princeton student or you attend school at another college in NJ and you were caught selling or in possession of Ecstasy, you could be in a heap of trouble. New Jersey law is especially harsh when it comes to drug offenses. Plus, according to New Jersey law, any person who commits a drug offense on school grounds, in addition to any sentence imposed by the court, must perform at least 100 hours of community service.

Additionally, these charges can seep out into the public, and a background check could cost a good student their dream job. To top it off, possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance (CDS), means that the Federal Government might suspend any financial aid the charged person is receiving.

Contact a Mercer County Ecstasy Defense Lawyer

As soon as a drug crime case is filed against you, it is in your best interest to immediately call Douglas Herring. As the premier Mercer County ecstasy defense lawyer, Mr. Herring will accompany you to court and work to have you released from custody. With his bank of legal knowledge, Mr. Herring will sculpt the best argument to get your case dismissed. Contact the Law Office of Douglas Herring today to schedule your initial consultation with our firm.

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